Links to helpful resources, work, and projects contributed by members of the collective.

  • Elder Shelley Charles entrusts thousands-year-old Gete Okosomin Seeds to young farmers/earthkeepers at ClearWater Farm, Willow Beach, Georgina. A story of hope and anticipation. Video

  • Indigenous Cultural Markers at Humber College. Brook McIlroy

  • Lakehead University celebrates Treaties Recognition Week through education. Shelley Charles interviewed. Article by Rick Garrick.

  • Elders support classroom learning. Article by Shelley Charles in SAY Magazine.

  • Melanie Sifton is a PhD Candidate at University of Toronto's Institute of Forestry and Conservation,
    John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design. She studies urban forest soil amendments for plant and tree regeneration, and is a member of the Smith Lab:, the Thomas Lab: and works as part of the DesignLIFES team researching green roof innovation technology :